• Momentum Is Building for New Home Construction,Jay Herring

    Momentum Is Building for New Home Construction

    Momentum Is Building for New Home Construction If you’re in the process of looking for a home today, you know the supply of homes for sale is low because you’re feeling the impact of having a limited pool of options. And, if your biggest hurdle right now is that you’re having trouble finding something you like, don’t forget that a newly built home is a great option.As a recent article from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says:  “Home buyers continue to be met with limited housing options  during what’s typically the real estate market’s busiest season. . . . The current supply of existing homes is about half the level it was in 2019 . . . Meanwhile, the market for new construction is a bright spot .” Here’s a look at a key metric that shows just how much new home construction is ramping up nationwide. It’s called new residential completions. Basically, completions are newly built homes that are finished and ready to move into.The graph below uses data from the Census to show the trend of new-home completions over time, including the long-term average for the number of finished housing units (shown in black on the graph):As you can see on the left (shown in orange), leading up to the housing crash, builders exceeded that average. The result was an oversupply of homes on the market, so home values declined. That was one of the factors that led to the housing crash back in 2008.Since then, the level of new home construction has fallen off, and builders haven’t built enough homes to meet the historical average (shown in red). That underbuilding left the housing market with a multi-year inventory deficit. And, that deficit is part of what makes inventory so low right now.But, here’s the good news. The green on the right shows that according to the latest report from the Census, builders are matching the long-term average right now. And that means they’re bringing more newly built homes to the market than they have in recent memory.And residential starts and permits are also gaining momentum. Starts are homes where the construction has officially kicked off. Permitsare homes where builders are planning to break ground soon. Since both are up, it’s a sign there are even more newly built homes coming soon. What This Means for You More newly built homes in various stages of the construction process means your pool of options just got bigger. If you’re looking to move right now and timing is important to you, reach out to a local real estate professional to explore the homes that were recently completed in your area. If construction is done on those homes, you should be able to move in quickly.But, if you can wait a bit and the idea of customizing a home from the ground up appeals to you, ask that same agent about the homes in your area that are in the process of being built. If you buy a home that’s still in the works, you can help pick the features and finishings along the way. And when none of the homes you’ve looked at so far are to your liking, being able to tailor one to your taste may be your best option.Either way, a trusted real estate agent is a crucial part of the process. They’ll know exactly what’s available in your area and can base their recommendations on your unique needs, desired neighborhoods, and more. Check out our FREE Market Evaluation Report and find out your home is worth!  Let’s connect today to discuss the options that are best for you.Watermark Real Estate Group: 843-989-0065 Bottom Line So, if you're having trouble finding a home you like while inventory is so low, it may be time to consider looking into new-home construction. If you'd like to start that conversation, let’s connect so you’re working with an expert on what’s available in our area. Let's Connect Today!   Radha Herring, Broker | 843-424-8811 rherring@watermarkagents.comWatermark Real Estate GroupBig Corporate Experience | Small Business Heart            

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  • Home Prices Are Rebounding,Jay Herring

    Home Prices Are Rebounding

    Home Prices Are Rebounding If you’re following the news today, you may feel a bit unsure about what’s happening with home prices and fear whether or not the worst is yet to come. That’s because today’s headlines are painting an unnecessarily negative picture. If we take a year-over-year view, home prices did drop some, but that’s because we’re comparing to a ‘unicorn’ year when prices peaked well beyond the norm.To avoid an unfair comparison to that previous peak, we need to look at monthly data. And that tells a very different and much more positive story. While local home price trends still vary by market, here’s what the national data tells us.The graphs  below use recent monthly  reports  from three sources  to show the worst home price declines are already behind us, and prices are appreciating nationally.Looking at this monthly view, we can see the past year in the housing market can be divided into two parts. In the first half of 2022, home prices were going up, and fast. However, starting in July, prices began to go down (shown in red in the graphs above). By around August or September, the trend started to stabilize. But, looking at the most recent data for early 2023, these graphs also show that prices are going up again.The fact that all three reports show prices have been going up for three or more straight months is an encouraging sign for the housing market. The month-over-month data indicates a national shift is happening – home prices are rising again.Craig J. Lazzara, Managing Director at S&P Dow Jones Indices, says this about home price trends: “If I were trying to make a case that the decline in home prices that began in June 2022 had definitively ended in January 2023, April’s data would bolster my argument.”  Experts believe one of the reasons prices didn’t crash like some expected is because there aren’t enough available homes for the number of people who want to buy them. Even with today’s mortgage rates, there are more people looking to buy than there are homes available for sale.Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, explains how more demand than supply keeps upward pressure on prices: “History has shown that higher rates may take the steam out of rising prices, but it doesn’t cause them to collapse entirely. This is especially true in today’s housing market, where the  demand for homes continues to outpace supply, keeping the pressure on house prices ." Doug Duncan, Senior VP and Chief Economist at Fannie Mae, states home price growth is exceeding expectations thanks to that high demand: “. . . housing prices continue to show stronger growth than what was previously expected  . . . Housing’s performance is a testimony to the strength of demographic-related demand . . .” Here’s How This Affects You Buyers: If you've been holding off on buying because you were worried the value of your home would go down, knowing home prices have bounced back should bring you some relief. It also gives you the opportunity to own something that usually becomes more valuable as time goes on. Sellers: If you've been waiting to sell your house because you were concerned about how changing home prices would affect its value, it might be a good idea to team up with a real estate agent to list your house. You don't have to wait any longer because the latest data suggests things are turning in your favor.   Check out our FREE Market Evaluation Report and find out your home is worth!  Let’s connect today to discuss the options that are best for you.Watermark Real Estate Group: 843-989-0065 Bottom Line If you delayed your moving plans because you were concerned about home prices dropping, the latest data reveals the worst is already over, and prices are appreciating nationally. Let's get in touch so you know what's happening with home prices in our area. Let's Connect Today!   Radha Herring, Broker | 843-424-8811 rherring@watermarkagents.comWatermark Real Estate GroupBig Corporate Experience | Small Business Heart            

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  • How To Know If You’re Ready to Buy a Home,Jay Herring

    How To Know If You’re Ready to Buy a Home

    How To Know If You’re Ready to Buy a Home If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your finances, today’s mortgage rates and home prices, the limited supply of homes for sale, and more. And, you’re juggling how all of those things will impact the choice you’ll make.While housing market conditions are definitely a factor in your decision, your own life and your finances may be even more important. As an article from NerdWallet says: “Housing market trends give important context. But whether this is a good time to buy a house also depends on your financial situation, life goals and readiness to become a homeowner .” Instead of trying to time the market, it may help to focus on what you can control. Here are a few questions that can give you clarity on whether you’re ready to make your move. 1. Do You Have a Stable Job? One thing to consider is how stable you feel your employment is. Buying a home is a big purchase, and you’re going to sign a home loan stating you’re going to pay that loan back. That can feel like a big obligation. Knowing you have a reliable job and income coming in can help put your mind at ease. As NerdWallet explains: “A mortgage is a big commitment . . . Wait until your employment is stable before thinking about buying a house.” 2. Have You Figured Out What You Can Afford? To make sure you have a good idea of what you’ll need to save and what you can expect to spend on your monthly payment, talk to a trusted lender. They’ll be able to tell you about the pre-approval process and what you can borrow, current mortgage rates and approximate monthly payments, closing costs to anticipate, what percent of the purchase price of the home you’ll need for a down payment, and more.The best part is you may find out you’re closer to your goals than you realized. You don’t necessarily need to put 20% down, unless it’s specified by your lender or loan type. As Down Payment Resource says: “A 20% down payment on a home is great, but . . . Many mortgages require no more than 3% to 5% of the purchase price as a down payment. Plus, there are loans and grants that may help cover these costs. Search for down payment assistance in your area, and discuss your results with your mortgage lender . . .” 3. How Long Do You Plan to Live There? Another important thing to think about is how long you plan to stay put. It takes time to build equity in your home through paying down your loan and home price appreciation. If you plan to move too soon, you may not recoup your investment. For example, if you’re looking to sell and move again in a year, it might not make sense to buy right now. As a recent article from CNET says: “Buying a home is a good idea if you’re planning to stay put for at least three years.  Home values typically increase between 2% and 5% annually, so you could end up paying more in closing costs than you’d earn in proceeds if you sell after only a year or two.” So, think about your future. If you plan to transfer to a new city with the upcoming promotion you’re working toward or you anticipate your loved ones will need you to move closer to take care of them, that’s something to factor in.Above all else, the most important question to answer is: do you have a team of real estate professionals in place? If not, finding a trusted local agent and a lender is a good first step. Check out our FREE Market Evaluation Report and find out your home is worth!  Let’s connect today to discuss the options that are best for you.Watermark Real Estate Group: 843-989-0065 Bottom Line If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, these questions can help. But ultimately, your best and more reliable resource is the help of trusted real estate professionals.. Let's Connect Today!   Radha Herring, Broker | 843-424-8811 rherring@watermarkagents.comWatermark Real Estate GroupBig Corporate Experience | Small Business Heart            

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